Monday, August 26, 2013

Let Him Lead through the Quiet

Good morning, sweet mommas! I'm trying to get creative with a quiet time. For those that have gym memberships, take your littles to the playroom, and then go have a few minutes to yourself before you hit the treadmill. I have to tell's lovely! First thing in the morning has become hit and miss for me, since our room is directly across from Caleb's room, and he seems to hear our every move. Once he's up, there isn't much quiet to be had :-) What about nap time? Right now, I'm usually lying down if he's lying down, but if I get an extra spurt of energy, I've decided that choosing to spend time with the Lord is probably more beneficial for me than watching a re-run of Grey's Anatomy. I've also battled insomnia with this pregnancy. Weird, huh? You would think I'd crash as soon as I hit the pillow, but I feel like my brain is too full right now! If I wake up in the middle of the night, it can be a wonderful time to have a few quiet moments with the Lord. Whenever you do it, try your best to make it happen. Not out of duty, but out of desire for a peace that only He can provide. On the days when my spiritual bucket is empty, I'm not as successful as I would like to be at all/any of my jobs. When we take the time to stand in relationship with Him, He takes the time to bless us with a sweeter attitude, a multitude of patience, and seemingly more hours to complete life. Take it from me, when I neglect intentional time with Him, the rest of my day pays the price. Get creative, and feel free to comment about the time of day that you spend with Him!

Speaking of the Lord helping us through our days, I ran across a precious verse the other day...

"He tends His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young." Isaiah 40:11

This verse melted my heart! He gently leads those that have young speaks directly to each of us, as mothers. He is right here. He created us to bring these tiny little souls into this world, and He takes joy in guiding us through these early (and later!) years of motherhood. Spend some time with him each day, so that you may allow Him to lead you in guiding your young. Just a little snippet of a verse to make you smile today. I hope it comforts you :-) Until next time...

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