Sunday, November 4, 2012

Deeper Gratitude

Welcome back to our journey through scripture of why/how to show our gratitude? Since the beginning of November, I've seen lots of Facebook posts that share things people are grateful for. I think this is great, and I'm even enjoying texting back and forth with my mom each day on this subject! Sometimes, though, we need to go deeper with our gratitude. Yes, we are grateful for our husbands, our children, our homes, our food, etc. I'm not discounting the blessings that our heavenly Father has bestowed upon us. But, a refreshing look at gratefulness, thankfulness, and gratitude in His Word can give us a deeper understanding of just how much He loves us. For November 4...

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
His love endures forever...
Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His love endures forever."
Psalm 136:1-3, 26

While it is so important to express our gratitude for the many gifts which God gives to us out of pure love, we must also recognize the importance of showing our gratefulness for who He is. In His Godly nature, He is good, he is God of gods, He is Lord of lords, and He is the God of heaven. 

It isn't healthy to dwell in the fear of our blessings being taken from us, but if we were to tragically lose our home, our belongings, or even our husband or children, we need to be confident enough in who our God is to be able to get through the loss, and to love Him anyway. Regardless of what will happen in our lives as women, as wives, and as mothers, His love will endure forever. He is who He is regardless of our circumstances, and learning to express this gratitude to Him and for Him on a daily basis can only strengthen our love for Him.

I pray that this will be a revelation for you today, as it was for me. Let's keep being thankful for our many earthly blessings, but let's also be thankful to our Father, simply because He is who He is. Be blessed, mommies!

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