Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Family Time, Family Goals

Welcome back! As a follow up to yesterday's post, I wanted to share the goals we have set for 2013 as a family. Individual goals are great, but it's so important to work with my husband towards common desires in order to set a good example of working together for our son. Speaking of husbands and daddies, let me digress to give them a shout out with this hilarious video I stumbled across this evening!

And I thought we were tired! Two boys and triplets is no joke! I hope you enjoyed :-) Back to family goals!

1. Stick to our budget and save every month
  • We pride ourselves on being ultra cheap-os, but accounting for every dollar each month sometimes slips through the cracks. We want to do a better job of holding ourselves accountable and of not wasting money that could be saved or used in a better way. After all, just because something is a great deal doesn't negate the fact that it still costs money!
2. Sell, or rent, our current home and purchase a home that is smaller and less expensive, but still meets our needs
  • This is a big one! We are currently hunting for the perfect home that would be the perfect downsize. It may seem odd when we are planning to grow our family, God-willing, but we have come to the realization that we could live in a much smaller space and have a much lower mortgage. We have worked hard to ensure that the only debt we have is in our house, but why not lower that number as well!
3. Strive for a whole foods/real foods eating plan as a family
  • My hubby and I started this year with a 3-day fruit and veggie fast. We had several reasons...we ate way too much junk on our vacation, we wanted to detox, and we wanted to have a time of deprivation to better hear God's plans for our year. It was difficult, but it was incredibly helpful. We ended up at a book store searching through the health and fitness section for an eating plan that would be doable and sustainable for our. This is brand new for us, so I don't have any great tips yet :-) This week, we're focusing on eating things that naturally occur in nature...fruits, veggies, meat, and some cheeses and whole-grain bread. I've done lots of diets and eating plans in the past, but it sure does help having my honey alongside me this time!
4. No TV Saturdays!
  • Let's face it, most of the time, TV is a waste of time. We have decided to dedicate a whole day to other activities besides vegging in front of the flat screen. As we are sitting here, I just suggested that we have a no electronics evening once per week (no TV, no computer, no iPad, no phones, but maybe some music). The hubby didn't respond very well to that just now. I'll keep you posted :-)
5. Finally, I suppose my goal #1 is actually a couples activity. I can't very well do that alone! Haha!

One last thing before I wrap up my New Year's posts. I picked out a new devotional book for Christmas, and I am absolutely loving it. They are quick, very applicable to women, and incredibly insightful. Check out:

Today, and everyday, be blessed!

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