Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Three Types of Women

I'm going to guess that there will be three types of women reading this blog. First, women who are current homemakers and are looking for advice and money-saving tips on making it work. Each day, I will post a "McNamee Money-Saving Method" at the end of my post for those interested ladies. Secondly, there will be women who read this, who desperately want to stay home with their children, but their family simply cannot afford it. For those women, I will be prayerfully offering scripture to dwell on, drastic and not-so-drastic steps my husband and I have taken to make this lifestyle a reality, and practical resources to study that may make the homemaking dream a bit more within reach. Finally, I imagine that women who simply do not want to stay home may take a quick look at this blog to see what this crazy lady is talking about. I hope you do! And, I hope you tell all of your friends who are mommies and work professionally outside of the home.

My passion is to be a vessel by which the Lord can call more women to stay at home full-time with their children. You see, God has shed bright light on my previous, and incorrect, thoughts of the stay-at-home woman. Today, let's dive into scripture to illustrate my passion and my point. You may ask, "Who is this girl giving advice on such a personal and sensitive matter?" I couldn't agree more, but I feel like the Lord has given me knowledge that is working well for me and my family on this subject. Being led by scripture, Matthew 10:8 says that as we freely receive, we should also freely give (paraphrased). Please allow me to freely give to you, weigh it on your heart in prayer with your husband, then see what the Lord does with it! Actually, it is a command to share the good knowledge from Him. Matthew 10:27 says, 

"What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs."

Finally, I feel that God is clear that a life, or a season of your life, devoted to homemaking is a call of a servant's heart. Let's be honest, the daily affirmation and validation of this life is slim, but the long-term and, more importantly, the eternal reward is far greater. After all, 

"Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." Matthew 10:39 

Stay with me on this journey. You never know where it, and God, may lead you :-)

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