Monday, February 11, 2013

Super Mom!

This has nothing to do with my post today, but I heard a scary statistic this weekend. Apparently, moms who stay-at-home have a 54% higher chance of developing cancer than moms who work outside the home. They say it's from our daily use of toxic cleaners and our extended exposure to their fumes because we are home so much. Don't quote me on it. It's from the movie Chemerical, but it is something to think about. On my to-do list this week? Search for some natural cleaning tips on Pinterest. Just a thought!

Daddy left for a business trip last night, and I was in need of some extra quote love today. I saw this and was blessed. I hope you are, as well:

While it is probably true that our kiddos wake up each morning and think of us as Super Mom, something else is true about this quote. As I was reading it through, I felt the Lord say, "I feel the same way, Kindra." As we move through our love week towards Valentine's Day, I want to talk about God's sweet love for us today. Yes, we fail as wives, mothers, and daughters of Christ on a daily basis. But God does not hold a score sheet marking us down for every unrighteous act. In fact, He does the opposite:

"For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." Hebrews 8:12

God does ask us to acknowledge our sins and repent, meaning asking for forgiveness, but then it's over! He doesn't dwell on them, He doesn't bring them to the surface each morning as a reminder of our failed human nature, He doesn't even remember them. You know who does? The Enemy. He would love for you to obsess about your daily shortcomings as a mother. He would love for the ways in which you don't live up to the perfect wife to overshadow the ways in which you do care for you husband. He would love for others' words to dig into your heart and shame you for following your calling of staying-at-home. When we hear those condemning words, we must remember that they are NOT from God. They are from the Enemy, and we have to rebuke them immediately. 

God looks at us each morning and says, "There's my girl! Super Mom is awake and ready to take on the day!" He cheers for us, desires to bless us, and wants so badly for us to lean to him for our many decisions throughout the day. He wants you to pray about your frustration with potty-training. He wants you to lay hands on your child and ask Him to protect your sweet baby from the flu. He wants to show you how to love your husband when he walks in the door tonight, or at the end of the week :-) He desperately wants to answer our prayers with a resounding, YES!

Someone once told me that God always answers prayer. He either says No, Yes, or Wait. Well, I would have to agree! I think we can get caught up in his Nos and Waits, and forget how often he simply says Yes because He loves us so much. Read below:

"I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and know you by name." Exodus 33:17

Keeping a prayer journal is a fantastic way of seeing God's work. He gave us our children, He hand-picked us as mothers for our unique children, and He thinks we are doing an amazing job. He is our biggest cheerleader! He wants to bless us with answers about toddler eating, behavior difficulties, and getting the stinkers to sleep through the night. But, Super Mom, you have to take your burden to him first! He wants to hear about it and work with you to solve it!

A sweet friend of mine once said that there will be a special crown for each mother when she gets to heaven. No, it isn't biblical, but the fact that the statement made every mom in the room tear up tells me that Rachael just may be on to something. This beautiful and challenging gift of motherhood was not given in vain. He gave our children to us while saying, "Well done my good and faithful servant."

"Sons (and daughters) are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him." Psalm 127:3

He thinks you are Super Mom, and so do I. Let Him love on you, and let Him show you how to raise your children. You simply have to ask, and I imagine He will give you a resounding, YES! Today and everyday, be blessed!  


  1. Replies
    1. Patrick is gone for a week and a half, so I kind of have quit cleaning :-) It's delightful!
