Thursday, February 7, 2013

Two Blog Recommendations

Hello! I found a fantastic new blog through the bible study that I attend. This woman's blog aims to "empower wives to joyfully serve." I love that! She has a whole page devoted to FREE printables that can be used just for you and around the home. Latefully, I've used these to pray on as I prepare our morning coffee:

I did cut them out, but I couldn't find a ring or a hole-punch. They just set nicely beside the coffee maker, and I flip one over each day. I love looking at it throughout the day as I'm cleaning up another something in the kitchen :-)

I also want to mention to each of you, as my readers, that I'm in the process of hiring someone to re-design my blog! There is so much about the blogging world that boggles my mind, but one of my 2013 goals was to better understand what I'm doing each time I write and click publish! If you have any comments or suggestions that would make my blog easier to read, easier to navigate through, or simply more visually appealing, please let me know! This is such a fun journey to be on, and I am honored to do it with each of you. 

I'm off to make FREE printable toy labels for Caleb's things. The organizer within me can no longer stand to see trains, legos, and blocks mixed up in a shopping cart. Want to join me? Check out this link...Free Printable Toy Labels. Today and everyday, be blessed!

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