Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mini-Devo...Hebrews 12:5-6

"...My daughter, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes everyone He accepts as a daughter." Hebrews 12:5-6 (son changed to daughter)

Discipline is no joke. It's necessary, yet uncomfortable. It encourages growth, yet it is painful in the moment. We know our children will be better for it in the end, but deep down we so desperately wish they could just behave without having to endure the punishment. To me, it almost seems counterintuitive that we discipline because we love them so much. But that's just it. That's why we spank, give time-outs, take away toys, or express our disappointment. We adore our children so much that we couldn't bear the thought of raising them without the knowledge of right and wrong. 

Why then do we fuss and resist so much when the Father lovingly disciplines us? We are His daughters, bound to Him for eternity, and He is the author of right and wrong. There are several areas in my life right now where I am being "disciplined" in order to better serve Him. I don't like it, I wish we could just move on to a happy part of scripture during my quiet time, and I've even found myself asking to just change the subject so we don't have to go there. But time and time again, He leads me to pertinent scriptures, allows people in my life to say certain things to bring the subject(s) to the surface, and shows me that depending on anyone or anything else for these matters will get me nowhere. 

So, mommies, maybe it's time to remind ourselves that we are His children just like our sweet babies are our children. Just as we expect our babies to be receptive of discipline and the long-term benefits it provides, we must also look to our Father for our best interest. It's just so dang hard sometimes! Be blessed today :-)

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