Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pillars of the Palace

At my women's bible study this week, we did a lesson on intentional praying...that is, setting aside a few minutes each day (maybe even just 5!) to speak to the Lord about whatever is on your heart. It was a fantastic lesson, and we were given many practical how-tos to make this habit part of daily life. In addition to encouraging the prayer life of a woman, we received a hand-out on praying scripture over our children. This is a wonderful resource that I wanted to share with all of you. Go to the following link:

My husband and I agreed that we would choose one verse to pray over our son each day. Since today is September 19, we picked #19 to start out with. Because my husband is gone most weeks, we planned that I would email him the verse each morning, and we would both remember to pray it often throughout the day...putting Caleb's name into the verse. So today, we are praying humility over our son:

"God, please cultivate in [Caleb] the ability to show true humility toward all." Titus 3:2

This activity totally blessed me, and I hope it does the same for you!

I want to share a verse with each of you that hit me in a great way yesterday. 

"...Our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace." Psalm 144:12

We can agree that the life of a wife and mother can, sometimes, seem monotonous, unappreciated, and unimportant. The Lord is so faithful to give us little nuggets all throughout scripture of encouragement, compliment, and validation. This is one of those verses! Think of what a pillar does. says:
  • an upright shaft or structure...relatively slender in proportion to its height...used as a building support, or standing alone, as for a monument.
  • any upright, supporting part; post. 
The important part of the definition describes a pillar as "upright" and "supporting." I'm not going to lie and say I didn't get excited when it also describes a pillar as "relatively slender" :-) God calls us to be upright examples in our home. Imagine what would happen if the pillar crumbled. The house would no longer be supported. While many of us do not support a household financially, we are called to support it with love, wisdom, and all other Christlike attitudes. The beautiful validation that this verse describes, especially for women who stay-at-home, is unmistakable. 

A friend of mine has a Pinterest board titled "For the Palace." I always thought that was so cute. What if we all jumped off the house-envy train and thought of each of our homes as our own little palace. As I meet and get to know so many people who are struggling financially in this economy, I can't help but develop an even stronger sense of gratefulness for the shelter the Lord has provided for my family. My palace may not be the palace I have always dreamed of, but it is mine for care for, clean, preserve, and make welcoming and hospitable to anyone who visits.

Finally, let's not miss the beautiful word "adorn" that God so sweetly placed in this verse. When I hear that word, I instantly think of making something more lovely than it already is. We could adorn ourselves with jewelry or adorn a tree with Christmas decorations. (I'm into definitions today!) says:
  • to make more pleasing, attractive, or impressive; to enhance.
I am honored that my heavenly Father would choose to use women as an adorning piece to a palace. 

Therefore, sweet mommies, when you feel deflated and missed in the shuffle of busy life, let the Lord bring Psalm 144:12 to the forefront of your mind. You are each a beautifully adorned pillar of your palace. That is something to make any tired mommy smile. Be blessed today!

MMSM #47

Here is another great idea I picked up at bible study yesterday. I can't claim this as my own thought, but I did get permission to share! To instill the discipline of prayer in yourself and your family, make a prayer jar to keep on the dining room table (or kitchen island, or coffee table, wherever!). Use an old mason jar, an aluminum can, or anything you can find around the house. Tie a ribbon around the top to make it cute (I thought of even changing out the ribbon with the seasons!). Write family member's names or certain events that are important right now on wooden tongue depressors. Each person draws a stick and prays for whoever/whatever is written on the stick. It's almost no cost, a great family bonding activity, and it will be incredible to watch God answer those prayers!

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