Thursday, March 21, 2013

He Loves To Help!

Hello! I want to start by apologizing for my lack of posts lately. My little cherub has decided to rise with my alarm clock, so my morning coffee-sipping and blog-writing have gone out the window. Nap time is reserved for cleaning and taking a breather, so that just leaves the evening. Truly, I'm a morning person so I typically feel zapped at the end of the day and lacking in sweet insight for my blog. I have tried to write while he is toddling around in his play room, but his "mom's on the computer" sense goes off, and he insists on watching Choo Choo Soul on YouTube. By the way, if you haven't seen that, it's super cute and educational :-) I'll figure out a new writing time, but in the mean time, thank you for continuing to read!

So, you know those days when you feel extra tired? Those ones when the new toddler talents of high-pitched screaming, intentional spitting, crayon marks on the wood floor, high chair tantrums, more than a few poopoo diapers, playing in the toilet, bedtime refusal, and general clingyness (yes, I made up that word) overshadow the preciousness of your toddler? Can you tell that today was one of those days?! And, don't those days typically happen when your husband is out of town? Well, I have a verse that will give each of us hope on the worst of days! Put your little lovelies in bed (they will fall asleep eventually!), pray over them, and go meditate on this verse:

"God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day." Psalm 46:5

His mercies are new every morning, sweet mommies! Yes, tomorrow may be very similar to today, but you can confidently look forward to His help as you navigate through tomorrow's challenges! Praise God for His willingness to help!

Speaking of challenges, my darling husband will not agree to wear a matching bow tie with our son on Easter. Has my husband ever donned a bow tie? No....but, I believe that Jesus delights in seeing young families wear coordinating outfits on this glorious holiday :-) Okay, that's a stretch, but it does make my heart sing to create matching ensembles for this special day! I may have to settle for an adult neck tie that coordinates with a toddler bow tie. After all, Caleb doesn't have a say :-) Do any of you have cute ideas for coordinating family outfits? I'd love to hear them, much to my husband's dismay!

Amongst the sillyness of this post, I do pray that the above verse encourages you. Check back tomorrow, as I have a plan for an intriguing post, and new MMSM and OT's! Goodnight!

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