Monday, March 18, 2013

Hold On To His Promises

Welcome back! Well, our little man did exceptionally well on our super fast road trip! "Thomas the Train" on the iPad worked wonders, and plenty of snacks kept him full and happy. We had a lovely time with my family, and had lots of fun dodging tumble weeds throughout the drive :-) My big man left for another business trip this morning, so I'm spending this evening relaxing and gearing up for the week ahead!

Speaking of relaxing, I'm basking in the bittersweet enjoyment of a glass of wine. In the TTC community, we all know what that means. A second mini-McNamee is not yet on their way :-( Truly, my heart and mind are in a better place this month than in previous months of sadness. I am disappointed, but I have a new-found reassurance in a word I received from Him over a month ago. He has purposely placed this verse in front of my face multiple times this past week. He needs me to hear it, and He needs me to cherish it in my spirit. I can feel it. This was an intimate message between me and the Lord, but I feel led to share this tonight...

"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord will fulfill His promises to her!" Luke 1:45

I know that a little girl is coming to our family. I don't know when, and I don't even know if I will be her biological mother, but I know she is coming. We even know her name. I'm not quite ready to share that, but I do say this to encourage all of you to hold on to the promises which He has made. He always keeps His promises. He must deliver on what He says; it's simply His true nature. Maybe He has promised you another child, or children. Maybe He has promised you a faithful man to love and protect you and your children. Maybe He has promised you financial freedom. Hold on to those spiritual commitments, mommies! They will be fulfilled by Him, in His perfect timing. Let's join together to practice our patience! I love you!

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