Friday, March 22, 2013

Purposeful Pauses

Good morning! Guess who is still sleeping, thereby allowing me some coffee-sipping and writing time?! I better be careful not to type too loud :-) Today, I have a few more thoughts to share on the yearning for more children, then I'm taking a break. I need an emotional and mental break from the subject, and I am sensitive to the fact that not every reader is in the TTC stage. I don't want to go overboard with my thoughts on the subject. I also received some amazing insight and assurance from Him this week, and I feel like it's time to start focusing on other subjects and not allow the desire for another baby to become an idol in my life. Who knows what I could be missing while pining after a dream that will not happen until He says it should.

I would now love for someone to ask me if we're hoping for another baby. My new response? "We are happily anticipating her arrival in His timing!" I have chosen to give up the negative and defeated attitude when it comes to getting pregnant. It isn't helpful for me, and it sure isn't an accurate portrayal of the trust we are supposed to have in Him as followers of Christ. I know a baby girl is coming to my family, and I have agreed with the Lord to put aside my idea of perfect timing and, instead, completely and wholeheartedly agree to allow His perfect timing to work in this area. Yes, it could be months. Yes, it could be years. But, He is faithful. This I know to be true :-)

Earlier this week, I was led to the story of Lazarus in John 11. I want to highlight the importance of a few verses below:

So the sisters sent word to Jesus, "Lord, the one you love is sick." When He heard this, Jesus said, "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory that God's son may be glorified through it." Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. Yet when He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days. John 11:3-6

Spoiler alert! :-) The story ends with Lazarus succumbing to his illness, but Jesus eventually returns to His friends, and He raises Lazarus from the dead. This passage is powerful and applicable to us for three reasons. First of all, Jesus knew the outcome of the situation but chose not to share it with Mary and Martha. He knew that Lazarus would die and would be brought back to life, but though our God is all-knowing, His children are not. Second, God felt it necessary to include the sweet sentence above--"Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus." Amongst a story of death and sadness, right smack in the middle, we are reminded of the love that Jesus has for all of us. Finally, while Jesus could have gone immediately to Lazarus and prevented his death from occurring in the first place by healing his sickness, He chose to stay and minister where He was for two more days. Lazarus did die. Mary and Martha did have to go through the pain of losing their brother.

There are times when God could supernaturally step in and remedy a difficult situation. But, because He is the omniscient God of the universe, He knows that waiting will produce more spiritual sanctification for each of His children whom He dearly loves. He doesn't pause His action in a situation out of meanness. Quite the opposite. He allows a delay in order to grow our trust in Him and His perfect timing. If Jesus had gone immediately to heal His friend, they would have missed the miracle of His awesome power...bringing the dead back to life! I imagine that Mary, Martha, and Lazarus' faith grew by leaps and bounds the day that Lazarus emerged from the tomb in which he had laid for four days. Yes, there was deep pain felt by all who loved him, but imagine the joy, the celebration, and the evidence of Jesus' power when He was raised from the dead! 

I write this today to encourage your waiting, your longing, and your seemingly unanswered prayers. Yes, God could have given us a baby in the past few months, and I could be joyously designing the nursery while planning this little one's arrival right now. But, He has chosen to purposely allow a delay. Why? The testament to His goodness and glory will be stronger and more powerful if this delay happens. Because He is my all-knowing God who loves me more than I could ever possibly imagine, I'm just fine with waiting. Yes, delays are painful, but the perfection of His ending to the situation will far exceed any plans that I had made. Be encouraged, mommies. He knows the whole story!

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