Wednesday, March 13, 2013

You Need To Eat?!?

Welcome back! Last Friday, I wrote a Facebook status that generated more "I can soooo relate!" responses than I had anticipated. It went something like...

"You know you need a mommy break when your child's desire for breakfast annoys you."

Sounds pretty awful, doesn't it?! But, that's how I was feeling! My precious child had woken up sweetly, calmly played with his trains, and then had the audacity to interrupt my zen coffee moment with his need for food. Normally, I enjoy feeding him breakfast, and we then go about our day. On this particular morning, my mood was far from deserving of the MOTY (Mom Of The Year) award...I just thought I would share that here, since so many of my friends enjoyed it on Facebook. And, don't worry. We did make it through the day, and I promise that he did not starve :-) Thankfully, Daddy came home from his week-long trip and encouraged me to run, not walk, out the door to our neighborhood coffee shop. It was de-light-ful!

I say this to insure that no one has the wrong impression of my home. Do I enjoy my role as a SAHM and wife? Absolutely! Would I trade it for anything? No way. Do I skip around the house blissfully cooking and cleaning, while enjoying being the perfect mom and looking like the hottest wife on the block? Ha! Not on your life :-) The truth is, we all try our best. Some days are exceptionally harder than others, and some weeks make us want to go screaming down the street. If we're being honest here, my husband hasn't seen me in jeans once this week (i.e. yoga pants all the way), and I may have played one too many episodes of "Thomas the Train" via Netflix. I have multiple loads of laundry (albeit clean!) to be folded, and I have not picked up Caleb's toys since the weekend. When all else fails, sweet mommies, appreciate the grace we receive in abundant amounts from our heavenly Father, and pray for our husbands and children to have a shred of the same grace as they interact with us.

One funny picture before I sign off for the night. Someone was extremely excited to receive a package from the U.P.S. man today!

Is it normal that my child is more into potty-training than I am? And, if he wasn't before, he sure is now! You would have thought this was the best Christmas present ever. His new "toy" went with him wherever he played this evening, and he couldn't stop admiring (and naming!) the many trains on the seat. It cracked me up! But, did I let him use it tonight? Of course not! That, my friends, can wait until tomorrow...or the next day...or the next.

Until then, thank you so much for reading :-) I'm off to nap on the couch!

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