Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Peaceful Thoughts

Hi there! I have a new favorite worship song. Lately, I've been completely obsessed with Pandora, so I'm making note of new songs that really speak to my heart. If you haven't heard this, be prepared to get your socks knocked off! It's called "One Thing Remains" featuring Kristian Stanfill:

Isn't that song great?! Love it! 

I'm going to make this post short and sweet today. If you haven't noticed, Staying at Home and Making it Work received an update over the weekend. Look at my previous post if you are interested in contact information for the designer! I love what she did, and I hope it makes for an efficient and more enjoyable site to follow! Be sure to check out the three links above my self photo on the right side. They are a brand new part of the blog. Finally, the links on the left side will allow you to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram. After all, many of my crafty ideas come from other people and places. No need to reinvent the wheel!

Finally, I saw a lovely picture on Facebook that I wanted to share. It was posted anonymously, so if you are the author, please let me know!

Many times, I have wondered whose voice/thoughts I am hearing...mine, Satan's, or God's? After seeing this chart, I've tried to make a conscious effort to ask myself how I'm feeling after a thought enters my mind. I've used this today for myself, my husband, my friend, and my son. Tonight, for instance, our little man is running a fever. As I was putting him to bed, I immediately thought of another friend whose child just suffered a seizure due to a high fever. I was filled with fear and considered moving Caleb into our room just so I could stare at him until I fall asleep in a few hours. According to the words above, that thought wasn't put there by God, it was placed there by the Enemy. I know that Caleb will sleep much more peacefully and soundly in his own bed, I know that I gave him a full dose of ibuprofen, and I can set my alarm a few times tonight to check on him. God has Caleb in the palm of His hand, and God gives every mommy an extra sense when her child is in imminent danger. In fact, that extra sense can encourage and lead us to go to our children when they are in need. He will never frighten, worry, or make me obsess as a mother. It isn't His nature, and He loves me too much to treat me that way. 

As followers of Christ, we are commanded to not let our imaginations run wild with impulsiveness, fear, confusion, discouragement, worry, obsession, and condemnation. Instead, His Word says this:

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5 (emphasis added)

Dear mommies, when we get thoughts in our heads, let's be sure to ask ourselves, "Where is this coming from, and who is saying it to me?" By our decision to take our thoughts captive, we can be a blessing to ourselves and to our families. Now go, and have peaceful thoughts!


  1. Thanks K! While everything has been going smoothly (overall) with our house drama, today we hit a bit of a snag and it's started to stress me out. Thanks for reminding me that my Dad really loves me and he's planning something beautiful and peaceful from our tiny temporary mansion. Love you!

    1. I'm so glad this helped you! And I'm sorry you have to deal with the house issues :-(
